In The Press
Defective immune system
DID you know that your child might have an immunodeficiency if he has eight or more ear infections within a year or two or more serious sinus infections in a year?
Hidup bebas alergi
PERNAHKAH anda mengalami simptom hidung berhingus, bersin teruk dan berulang, hidung tersumbat dan rasa gatal atau konjunktivitis (mata merah, gatal) sekurang-kurangnya satu jam sehari?
Disclose allergies, mums-to-be told
KUALA LUMPUR: Pregnant women are advised to disclose their allergies to their doctors as this would help determine the chances of their children developing
Articles about Allergy in Chinese Newspaper
When allergies turn life-threatening
The immune system is a body's surveillance and defence system. It helps the body fight allergens, bacteria and viruses.
How severe can an allergy get?
THE course and presentation of an allergic disease is variable and can manifest itself as different symptoms at a later age. While a long list of allergies exists,